Netflix Stock Forecast (NFLX) From 2025 to 2040

Netflix Inc. is a leading video streaming company in the United States. This article provides a detailed overview of the company’s financial performance and market trends and then attempts to understand Netflix’s stock forecast from 2025 to 2040.

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Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX)

Netflix Inc. is a giant video-streaming company with all types of genres in over 190 countries. Netflix was incorporated on Aug 29, 1997, and its headquarters is in Los Gatos, California United States.

Netflix is the 23rd most visited website in the world as of 2023. 23.66% of Netflix subscribers come from the United States, and the second-most traffic comes from the United Kingdom, 5.84%. The remaining are from Brazil and other countries.

Netflix Inc. Overview
Stock NameNetflix Inc
Stock SymbolNFLX
Stock ExchangeNASDAQ
Market Cap366.80B USD
Founder Reed Hastings, Marc Randolph
Founded Year29 Aug 1997
HeadquarterLos Gatos, California United States

Netflix Stock Price History

Netflix stock was listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange on May 24, 2002, under the ticker symbol NFLX. It started at $1.21 and then gained continuous growth in the stock market.

All Time Performance of Netflix stock
Courtesy: Google Finance

At the end of 2021, this stock hit $687 per share but at the start of 2022, this stock faced challenges from market trends and was down from 6 times.

TimePer Share Value (USD)
Previous close$842.37
Day Range$852.13 – $865.00
Before 5D$831.83
Before 1M$889.55
Before 6M$633.34
Before 1Y$482.95
52 Week Range$476.06 – $941.75
Before 5Y$339.67
All time Max$941.75

Fundamentals Of the Netflix Stock

Netflix is a fundamentally strong company in the stock market. The market capital of this company is 366.80B USD and the average trading volume is 2.89M which is a great number for a fundamentally strong company.

AVG Volume2.89M
Revenue Growth % (Yearly)6.67%
Net Income5.41B
P/B Ratio18.87
P/E Ratio48.55
Dividend Yield
Total Equity20.59B
Net profit margin16.04
EBITDA Margin7.31B
Effective tax rate12.85%

Major Shareholders of the Netflix Stock

Vanguard Group Inc. holds the highest share of this company which is  8.73% and the second highest shareholder of Netflix is BlackRock Inc. which holds 5.79% share.

ShareholderShares %
Vanguard Group Inc 8.73% 
BlackRock Inc 5.79%
Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC4.80% 
State Street Corporation3.97% 
Capital Research & Management Co 2.76%

Coming 1 to 10-Year NFLX Stock Forecast Chart

This is the stock forecast of NFLX based on the market trends and strong financial and past performance. You can see the prediction of Netflix’s stock for the upcoming 1 year to 10 years in the chart below.

YearMinimum Per Stock ValueMaximum Per Stock Value
1 Year$942.81$1188.46
2 Year$967.59$1013.65
3 Year$1005.64$1124.69
4 Year$1113.50$1156.97
5 Year$1141.84$1187.94
6 Year$1176.90$1209.52
7 Year$1183.48$1237.76
8 Year$1223.70$1265.70
9 Year$1258.60$1281.55
10 Year$1175.70$1209.78

Netflix Stock Forecast 2025

Netflix’s stock forecast for 2025 is estimated to be $1188.46, which is the maximum stock price of Netflix. The minimum stock price of Netflix is $942.81 so the range of stock price in 2025 will be $942.81 to $1188.46 per share.

Minimum Per Stock Price$942.81
Maximum Per Stock Price$1188.46
Average Per Stock Price$975.81

Netflix Stock Forecast 2026

Analysts predict that the stock forecast of Netflix for 2026 is estimated to be $1107.59 to $1213.65 per share and the average target price of Netflix is $1213.65 per share.

Minimum Per Stock Price$1107.59
Maximum per Stock Price$1213.65
Average Per Stock Price$1150.76

Netflix Stock Forecast 2027

Netflix’s stock forecast for 2027 is expected to be $1205.64 to $1324.69 because of its continuous growth in the number of subscribers and strong innovative business strategy.

Minimum Per Stock Price$1205.64
Maximum per Stock Price$1324.69
Average Per Stock Price$1254.72

Netflix Stock Forecast 2030

The stock price prediction of Netflix stock for 2030 is expected to be $1376.90 to $1409.52 per share.

Minimum Per Stock Price$1376.90
Maximum per Stock Price$1409.52
Average Per Stock Price$1353.46

Influencing Key Factors of the Netflix Stock

Several key factors influence Netflix stock.

Subscriber Growth: If the number of subscribers on Netflix increases in the future then the growth of Netflix will increase.

Original Content Investment: If Netflix continuously innovates its content and regularly gives hit movies or series then the growth and business will grow in the future.

Global Expansion: If the streaming and subscription model of Netflix continues to expand at the global level then the stock of Netflix will increase in the future.

Competition: Netflix is a giant player in the video streaming field but many giant players also compete with Netflix in this industry.

So if competition is high as more as present then the stock of Netflix will downfall.

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Last 5-Year Financial Data of the Netflix Stock

If we take a look at the revenue of this stock then we can see Netflix continuously generates yearly revenue which is increasing way.

Financials of
Financial Performance of Netflix Stock

The revenue for 2021 was $16.43B and for 2022 was $23.60B which was an increase from $7B but the company made less profit this year and the share of Netflix goes suddenly down from 6 times and trended at $196 per share.

YearRevenue Of Netflix StockNetflix Stock Net ProfitTotal Assets

Final Thought

Netflix stock will continue growing in the future because it makes a heavy investment in the innovation of its business model and its strong presence in the video-streaming industry.

However, there are several giant players also available in this industry but if Netflix invests in original content and global expansion then it sustain and make continuous profits in the upcoming years.

So, this stock can be profitable for long-term investments because of its many positive influencing factors.


Is Netflix stock expected to rise?

Yes, analysts predict that Netflix stock will grow in the future because of its strong market presence and innovation.

What will Netflix’s stock price be in 2025?

Netflix stock hit $1188.46 per share at the year of 2025.

Who is the biggest shareholder of Netflix?

Vanguard Group Inc. is the biggest shareholder of Netflix which holds an 8.73% share of Netflix.

What is Netflix’s highest stock price?

Netflix touched $934.74 per share the last week which was the highest stock price of Netflix.

What was Netflix’s stock price when it went public?

The stock price of Netflix at the time of launching its IPO was $1.28 per share.

What is the target price for Netflix stock by 2030?

The target price for Netflix stock by 2030 will be $1409.52.

Is Netflix a good long-term investment?

Yes, Netflix is a good stock for long-term investment because of its strong presence in the video streaming industry.

What are Netflix’s main competitors?

The strong competitors of Netflix stock are Disney+ (Disney), Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, and HBO Max.

How does Netflix make money?

Netflix is a subscription-based video streaming company including movies, TV shows, and other types of videos. So its major earning source is subscription fees.

Could Netflix stock reach $2,000 by 2040?

If Netflix continuously innovates its business strategy and gives unique content then it can touch $2000 or higher by 2040.

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